
For Lindenhurst Businesses

Grow Your Business in Lindy

The mission of the Village of Lindenhurst B.I.D. is to assist businesses and property owners in the business improvement district with projects that improve and/or upgrade their business properties. The B.I.D. provides “matching fund” monetary assistance for projects that meet certain criteria as established by the B.I.D.

The B.I.D. seeks to increase economic activity in historic downtown Lindenhurst, aid new businesses in Lindenhurst, and help the community grow. The BID aims to improve business for merchants in Lindenhurst, bring additional foot traffic and customers to historic Downtown Lindenhurst, draw in more merchants that will complement and advance the thriving community, and create a vibrant neighborhood for all.

All applicants for the B.I.D. funding must comply with the following guidelines:


1. All requests for B.I.D. funding shall be presented to the B.I.D. prior to any Village approvals and prior to any work being started on the subject project.


2. The B.I.D. shall review all projects prior to construction and make its recommendations.


3. While awaiting a decision by the B.I.D., the applicant can proceed with the permit process as may be required by the Village of Lindenhurst. This includes possible Zoning Board of Appeals and/or Planning Board approval.


4. Any project or construction work done or in progress that is in violation of any Village of Lindenhurst code, rule or regulation shall not be eligible for B.I.D. funding.


5. Any property that has any outstanding summonses or other violations, or owes back taxes to the Village of Lindenhurst, shall not be eligible for B.I.D. funding.


6. All projects requesting B.I.D. funding shall submit:
a. A completed B.I.D. application.
b. A color rendering of the proposed project.
c. Site/architectural/blueprints plans as needed to accurately and fully describe the project.
d. A minimum of two estimates for the proposed project (for example, a new sign requires two estimates).


7. Use of Lindenhurst-based businesses is strongly encouraged. Use of Lindenhurst businesses may entitle the applicant to a 5 percent “bonus” for an approved project.


All decisions, including funding for any project, are the sole discretion of the Business Improvement District Board of Directors.


For further information please contact Jason Kontakis, B.I.D. President, at (631) 375-1180.

Learn about the Lindenhurst Kindlmarket

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